Thursday, July 19, 2012

Leatherback Sea Turtle laying eggs on the beach.
 Hi I'm Oli the third blogger
Last night was another typical night on the beach, but it turn out to be the most successful night yet with all the teams seeing and tagging a turtle. We arrived at the beach a little later however as we missed the first bus, we wasted no time in getting down to the beach, with different guides this time as the original guides were off duty.
 Towards the end of the night one of the teams came across a Hawksbill turtle and all of the teams congregated to tag and photograph this rare sighting. We were lucky enough to see the female lay her eggs and not turn back to the ocean.
 Today was a very relaxed day which began with us all watching a documentary on the impacts of fishing on the Leatherback turtles and how scientists are finding ways to use sonar to prevent the turtles from becoming ensnared in the fishing nets.
Dilly, Tas, and Colin trying the pomerac fruit.
Later on in the day the whole group tried a new fruit called pomerac which the locals recommended  with some salt. This was while we waited to have a lecture from Ronald about turtles, where we learned a lot of interesting facts such as there is 6 different genera and 7 species of marine turtle. All together today was a very relaxing day which allowed us to prepare for the long night ahead.

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